Sunday, September 13, 2009

Social Networking Rookie

So I am what I would like to call myself a Social Networking Rookie. Yes, I Facebook. I tweet. I am “Linked-in” to my former colleagues and friends. I also do update from my Blackberry. But this whole Skype/Blog/Tweetdeck thing just has me completely frazzled.

So… I do what every other person in their right mind should do when they are confused…. research. I Googled about Skype and learned that you can use VoIP (Video Over Internet Protocol) to do live video chats. You can have your own Skype phone number to make landline calls. I am still rather confused about this whole Skype thing… but I think it would be very beneficial to people who do teleconferences!!

Alright… now Blogging. I am rather new to the Blog world. Obviously, this is my first Blog as an owner, my first Blog as a writer and my first Blog as a reader. I did research popular blog sites, there was Blogspot, but I have heard some cons. And then I found out about WordPress through Twitter. Numerous people on Twitter use and highly recommend WordPress for their own blogs. I think it has to do with the readability and the clean look. That was the #1 complaint from Blogspot users, clutter.

Okay. Here is what I do know about Social Networking.

1. It is a great way to stay connected. I just checked my Facebook. I have more than 700 friends. Now obviously these are not 700+ friends I keep in contact on a daily basis. But it is nice to know that I have met over 700 people that I can check to see what they are doing on any given day. Creepy, right?

2. Job opportunities. My friend Marcus found his job through Twitter. He tweeted about his experience, blogged about his abilities, linked himself to anyone and everyone he could get introduced to, and did (what few people know how to do) BRAND HIMSELF. He also does these crazy things called Tweetups. Still learning about those.

3.  Collaboration. Where else on Earth are you going to find 1,000,000 to join one group to achieve anything. I bet there are hundreds of groups on Facebook that claim “If this group reaches 1,000,000 I will…” 1,000,000 PEOPLE!? Let alone most of these people are in college. You can’t even get 500 college students to remember to do their laundry let alone rally to stop the genocide in Darfur. AMAZING.

So, yes, I do consider myself a rookie, although I know a little about each of the “social networks” in the world.

Follow me on Twitter: @jessicawozny

Facebook Me…if you can

I just might give you access to MySpace

Who knows… we may be Linked In


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