Friday, September 18, 2009

the facebook user name

So back in back on June 9,  facebook announced on their blog that instead of having a url with and id number at the end like “id=592952074,”  users could sign up for a username.  This was great and dandy and they said it would make it easier for friends and family to get to your profile, I was fine with them combing the web to try and find my hidden profile.  They said

“Your new Facebook URL is like your personal destination, or home, on the Web. People can enter a Facebook username as a search term on Facebook or a popular search engine like Google, for example, which will make it much easier for people to find friends with common names. Your username will have the same privacy setting as your profile name in Search, and you can always edit your search privacy setting.”

Well, they finally added some more functionality to the username idea.  They posted on the blog today,  “Beginning today, you also will be able to log in to your Facebook account with your username from any Web browser, mobile phone or Facebook Connect-enabled website.”

FANTASTIC because now I don’t have to remember that I need to put at the end of my name.  Instead, I can just write some obscure username that I had to pick because some highschooler named Bryan from California already took alexzurita as a user name (yea just a little bitter).

TechCrunch, one of my favorite tech websites, pointed out one very important downside though, “this may make it slightly easier for hackers to crack open your account as usernames are public while most email addresses probably weren’t. “

But really, this does make log-in much easier.  ESPECIALLY from a blackberry, iphone, or any mobile device that has a keyboard the size of a matchbook.  So give it a try, it saved me .76 seconds and that was enough time for me to harvest an extra pumpkin patch on Farmville.

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