Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Asshole: Live blogging in Real Time

I’m in a bad mood so i’ve decided to liveblog me being an asshole. Yeah, fucking revolutionary huh?

6:31 pm. Changed my facebook status to “Phillip Allen just de-friended Don Bailey on facebook. Only REAL, rappers are allowed to on my wall son

6:41: Vernon Davis has his own diet? Maybe he should come up with his own learn how to catch the fucking football book next?

6:47: Probably the gayest thing I’ve heard all day. SCary’s facebook status: “just has to brag a little bit more. Guess who got a first edition of “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” by Julia Child for Christmas? THIS GUY!!”

6:50pm- An Aim Conversation

Mr. Awesome: so when you get pregnant are you going to stop wearing shoes?

Hannah0913: i barely wear shoes as it is. Only when in public

Mr. Awesome: damn right

Hannah0913:shoes are for people who go do things. i stay at home

Mr. Awesome:…that was dare I say facebookable

Hannah0913: whatever

Mr. Awesome: that was a compliment!

Hannah0913: must be a slow week for yo u

Mr. Awesome: you just dont like talking to me unless im putting you down and insulting your boobs

typical woman


Hannah0913: Now  have to go home and ask my husband if my boobs are saggy to help build my self esteem


Regulations on social media in school

Should there be an age-limit on accessing and using social media? Many educators, parents and government sectors have strong opinions on the destructive nature of social media access to students.

Although there has been, and will continue to be, tremendous amount of debate surrounding the issue, I think it necessary to acknowledge that social media can and has provided both constructive and destructive value to the general populace. When brought into an educators’ medium, it poses additional threats, and offers tempting opportunities for collaboration. It is then, unsurprising, that this topic has undergone so much debate.

The primary constructive benefit of emerging media is the tantalizing possibilities it offers in connecting students within schools, and even between schools. Intra and Inter-school engagement between students can engage students with their academics in a truly revolutionary way, providing educators with a more aware, and open-minded student set.

The destructive benefit is far more threatening though. Exposing students in schools to engage with social media is opening a new portal for wayward behavior – it can and probably already has resulted in the sharing of non-educational material. Since there is no content filter on Twitter, Facebook or Youtube, this can result in far more leniency and destructive behavior amongst students if allowed.

Proponents of social media in schools as well as critics have valid arguments. Perhaps the solution lies (as it often does) in balancing between the two extremes. Like Facebook when it first started, perhaps a new social media portal restricted to a student pool would provide most value. Developing applications intended to encourage discussion, debate and knowledge sharing can lead students to educate each other, thus enhancing their educational experience. Does such an application exist? If not, what are the constraints to developing such an application? It  will allows students to mingle socially, but has a primarily educational purpose – has something like this been tried?

After the success of educating through traditional media (Sesame Street, Blues Clues etc.), digital media probably can provide great value if the destructive threats are eliminated through a filtered content and streamlined application.


Monday, December 28, 2009

What Does Your Perfect Client Look Like?

Can you imagine, in your mind, what your perfect client looks like?  Who is a client so ideal that if you could clone them you would be booked solid?  In marketing everyone calls this our target market, but is our target market changing in our New Economy?  In the senior market we have to deal with the idea of marketing to and shooting for different target markets (the senior and the parent).  Now we have third target market introduced into our marketing targets (in this new economy) and that is the Grand-Parents.  More than ever before we are having seniors bringing in their parent for their session, but the grandparent coming into the viewing to pay for the portraits.  If 40 to 50-year-old parents of seniors are having to turn to their parents at 65 to 75 to pay for portraits, I can imagine this is even more common with younger families that have smaller children.

I never thought I would see the day come when seniors would be telling parents and grandparents they really don’t need wallets!  Senior portraits used to be an expected expense of a student’s senior year, now there are many seniors that want premium portraits having to ask for them as a birthday or Christmas Present.  I don’t think the people we photograph will change but until the economy drastically improves, I think the people paying for the portraits we take will be changing and remember where there is change there is opportunity.

Realizing that many seniors are now having to request senior portraits be a present  for a birthday or Christmas (or in some cases both) we have started marketing more toward the “perfect gift” theme.  Since Grandma is now thrown into the mix of our target audience we make sure to include at least one cap & gown image as well as a few more traditional senior portraits into our information to satisfy grandma’s more traditional taste.  As our predominate buyers changes we need to change our marketing to include them or we can easily lose them to another studio that does.

You have to find and address the predominate buyer (the one that holds the purse strings) and see how dominate they are in the decisions that are made.  In our family campaign we are working on we have included a few portraits with grandparents added, since they seem to have the most discretionary money to spend and a portrait with grandma’s money is more likely to be taken.  We have even added a few portraits of seniors not only with a parent, but also their grandparent as a way to include those that will be paying the bill!

As a business person you must identify who your target market is exactly, know who’s is the predominate buyer is (the one making the decisions) and then who will be the one paying for the portraits.  You may be lucky and in your market that may still be one person, if not you need to find ways to get your messages out to all of your targeted markets with a message skued to fit their taste.  If you don’t know this basic information you are not targeting you message, you are doing what everyone else is doing and the person you are following probably doesn’t know any more than you!


Have Music Instrument and iPhone Will Travel!

Technology. It allows us to multi-task, entertain ourselves, learn, play and organize. One of the great things about technology today is that we can travel and market ourselves in so many ways all at the same time. The way technology works these days, we’re not just stuck at a desk to do all this.

For musicians, technology in the form of social media can transcend geography. On the iPhone and iTouch musicians can add to their list of tools. Have a music intrument and iPhone will travel.

Geography doesn’t matter anymore. Sitting at an airport in Georgia with your guitar and iPhone? Record a riff and send it to your social media center and Riff Raters. Get it heard in San Diego. By Monday you could win a prize and have thousands of followers.

Musicians now are no longer constrained by promoting their music in their small town or big city. Technology now allows musicians to be heard anywhere and everywhere.


Friday, December 25, 2009

De-Criminalizing Children

Every day children are sent to jail, not for heinous crimes.  Most are sent for non-violent crimes, and to adult prisons at that.  Can you imagine leaving your room, warm bed, computer, internet, games, books, comics, cartoons, parties, cellphones, and everything else you enjoy in life.  See in jail, you may have television but you have to watch it with over 50 other people who may not like to watch the things you like.  It’s real and happening every day.  To your friends, family, and can happen to you.  I would like to know your thoughts on this topic because children like you are the victims and the only ways we (adults) can help is by listening to you.  What do you need to keep you from getting caught up?  What do you see in your daily life that would help us know how to help you.  It’s time your true voice come out.


Most Expensive 2010 Cars

Got some extra change in the bank? Blow it on one of these pricey rides.

Last month, sales of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class (MSRP: $90,000 to $202,000) were up almost 12% from November 2008. That’s unusual: Overall, the luxury segment was down 8% year-over-year, and is down 27% for the year to date.

It turns out that while it’s tough to sell top-end luxury cars in a time of high unemployment and an uncertain economy, there are exceptions to the rule. Buyers will still flock to special cars with a lot of cachet and the price tags to match.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

You can now become my fan on facebook.

I’m about to add the link to the blogroll thingy. I’m trying to build some type of base I can work from for 2010, when I’ll really be making a move towards writing constantly, mailing works to publishers and writing agents, and really earning the title of “writer.” I would consider it a personal favor if I you, whoever you are, would support me in this pursuit. Odds are, you know me, and if not, nice to meet you. Now that we’re all introduced, please do me this favor.


Pengguna Facebook Dukung Luna Maya

Dukungan untuk aktris Luna Maya, yang sedang kesandung masalah dengan pekerja infotainment, terus bertambah. Hingga kemarin petang, lebih dari 50 ribu orang di situs Facebook menyatakan simpatinya kepada artis ayu asal Bali tersebut.

Dukungan terbesar disampaikan lewat grup “Dukung Luna Maya Lawan Arogansi Infotainment”, yang pesertanya mencapai 44.591 orang.

Padahal, Sabtu lalu, anggota grup ini baru 11.855 orang. Sedangkan pendukung Luna dalam grup “Revisi UU ITE Pasal 27 Ayat 3 Saat Ini Juga: Dukung Luna Maya” mencapai 3.365 orang.

Sebelumnya, Kamis lalu, Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) melaporkan Luna Maya ke Kepolisian Daerah Metro Jaya ihwal dugaan pencemaran nama baik. Laporan tersebut disampaikan gara-gara Luna menulis keluhan tentang cara kerja infotainment di microblog Twitter Lunmay miliknya. Akibat laporan itu, Luna terancam dijerat dengan Pasal 27 ayat 3 Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE) Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 dengan ancaman penjara maksimal 6 tahun atau denda Rp 1 miliar.

Penggunaan Undang-Undang ITE tersebut mengundang kritik dari berbagai kalangan. Ketua Aliansi Jurnalis Independen Jakarta, Wahyu Dhyatmika, misalnya, menyebutkan bahwa undang-undang itu masih jadi kontroversi. Sebab, menurut dia, di dalamnya ada pasal pidana yang membungkam kebebasan berpendapat sehingga PWI mestinya tak memakai undang-undang ini.

Sejumlah pemerhati dunia maya, seperti narablog (blogger) Enda Nasution, menyatakan perlu ada revisi atas undang-undang tersebut.

Sedangkan Ketua PWI Margiono mendukung perlunya revisi Pasal 27 Undang-Undang ITE karena menimbulkan banyak tafsir. “Seharusnya pasal itu dirumuskan kembali dan diterjemahkan menjadi pasal-pasal yang lebih konkret,” kata Margiono kepada Tempo semalam.

Menurut dia, undang-undang tersebut berpotensi menimbulkan praktek-praktek penerapan hukum yang tidak menguntungkan bagi terlapor.

“Juga, memungkinkan disalahgunakan oleh orang yang memiliki kekuasaan besar,” ujar Margiono.

Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Metro Jaya Komisaris Besar Boy Rafli Amar menyatakan Direktorat Kriminal Khusus Bidang Cyber Crime masih menyelidiki dugaan pencemaran nama baik oleh Luna Maya itu. “Kami sedang mempelajari apakah tulisannya melanggar UU ITE,” ujarnya kemarin.


Monday, December 21, 2009

GamesBeat: Facebook readies its Game Dashboard to organize your social gaming life

Facebook readies its Game Dashboard to organize your social gaming life December 18, 2009 | Dean Takahashi |

game dashboardFacebook is in the midst of redesigning how users find, interact with, and keep track of games on the social network. Called the “Game Dashboard,” the new feature is Facebook’s attempt to play nice with social game developers, serve the interests of gamers, and at the same time stop games from ruining the experience for everybody else.

The company is reining in the worst abuses of Facebook game companies, which have polluted the network’s communications with spam-like messages that general users have begun to ignore, such as “Joe Smith wants to thank you for chasing crows out of his pumpkin patch.” Facebook has announced that these “push notifications” will no longer be put into the notifications channel, which is one of the ways that apps currently communicate.

If Facebook does this previously announced redesign right, it will lead to more app usage and allow developers to keep growing. But if it does it wrong, then it will effectively shoot the golden goose, slowing the growth of game publishers such as Zynga and hurting other third-parties as well. The Game Dashboard will thus have a significant effect on how Facebook generates future revenue.

Gareth Davis, platform manager for games, said the Game Dashboard is going through iterations of its design and nothing is final yet. He said the dashboard will launch in January. Much like Facebook’s toughening stand on special offers, these changes are putting social game makers into a nervous wait-and-see mode, making it a difficult time for them as they adjust to a tectonic shift. But observers have said they think they will have long-term gain, short-term pain from all of the changes.

“We are all in the throes of major changes on Facebook now,” said Roy Sehgal, general manager at Zynga, said at our recent DiscoveryBeat conference. “They are all going to be great changes because they focus on the user experience. They are going to be great for discovery of apps. They will happen fast. They will force us all how to rethink our games.”

At the same event, Sebastien DeHalleux chief operating officer at Playfish, said he accepts the fact that Facebook thinks of itself not as a web site but an ever-changing service that has to continuously improve its relevance to users.

Under the redesign, rather than appearing in your notifications channel, games can tell you what you need to know in different ways. They can put an email in your email inbox. This will take the game spam out of your hair unless you’ve indicated you want it. And that’s the way that non-gamers like it. But for gamers, this could make it harder to tell when something is happening in a game (although there are other ways to track activity — a counter”, for instance, can tell you how many actions you have to take or acknowledge in a game or app that you have bookmarked on your Facebook page). With the redesign, all of your invites for apps will also be stored away in a tab dubbed “invites” that you must click on to view.

In that sense, Facebook is putting a stop to the spam-like messages game developers send out to attract new users to their games. At the same time, though, Facebook is creating a new page that gives game players all of the information they’d want to know about the games they’re playing.

Facebook says on its own developer page that “the goal of the Games Dashboard is to make it easier for users to find games on Facebook, including games played recently and the discovery of new games through friends.” But Facebook may want to take a lesson from Microsoft, which created a Windows “game manager” for Windows Vista that didn’t work and angered a lot of game users.

The Dashboard will display your most-recently played games. If you click on the name of a game, it will take you into that game’s canvas page, where you can find out about it and play it. The canvas page will make it clear to users if they are playing an app created by a third party. The final look for this page is still under development. The Dashboard will also feature Game News, which tells you things like “You are ranked 17th among your friends in Mafia Wars.” And it’ll tell you what your friends are playing.

Alongside the Game Dashboard is the Application Dashboard, which can tell you about the non-game apps you’re using. But Facebook is creating the Dashboard for games because it is well aware that games are the top apps being used. About two thirds of the top 15 apps are games, according to AppData. Developers can’t have an app be on both dashboards. They have to classify it one way or another, and Facebook will review the classifications.

Facebook is also, as others have reported, testing its own currency to be used in games and other apps to buy virtual goods. Right now, lots of third parties compete with each other to offer these virtual currencies. These middlemen, such as PlaySpan, take a cut. But Facebook, as the platform owner, could force the app developers to use its own native solution. That would hurt the third parties, but it could also create a universal virtual currency that could be used across games and apps. John Pleasants, chief executive at Playdom, said he was pleased with what Facebook was doing with its credits system and that it would be great if it changed user behavior.

“It should be able to double conversion rates [of getting a player to pay for something in a free app], which are around 5 percent and it would be great if we could get to about 10 percent,” Pleasants said. “It’s all about reducing friction in the system.”

Game publishers and developers are giving Facebook their feedback. So it’s a very good time to know people at Facebook. But the move by Zynga to create its own web site is telling. You still have to use Facebook Connect to play FarmVille on that site. But there is some sense that this site allows for more independence. It shows that third-party developers realize that being totally dependent on Facebook, which can change its platform at will, is not a good idea. If Facebook screws up, the third parties will move to a more friendly platform.

So Facebook has to walk a fine line of making its 350 million users happy, keeping its game developers happy, and pleasing gamers as well. The creation of the Games Dashboard will no doubt show us how far Facebook can go. Is it supplanting Xbox Live? Will it replace game consoles?

The Facebook Game Dashboard could be the beginning of something very important in the video game industry. That’s for sure.

Facebook readies its Game Dashboard to organize your social gaming life


Musicians. Riff Raters iPhone App Can Be A Tool Used In Your Marketing Aresenal!

Many musicians use social media to gain visibility and fans of their music. Myspace, Facebook, Twitter and a host of others, are great marketing tools to break through geographic barriers and market talent. The iPhone even advances that notion with an “app for just about anything.”

For musicians, the Riff Raters iPhone app can be a fun tool to be used in marketing your talent and gaining fans too.

In marketing circles, advertisements can sometimes consist of teasers. Email advertisements, newsletters and even videos give small bits of the whole piece, leaving the viewer or reader wanting more. The same can be said of 20 second riffs on Riff Raters.

Riffers can gain fans and provide direction to such links as Facebook, Myspace and Twitter. A band or musicians’ website can also be provided, thus giving raters and listeners on Riff Raters the ability to seek out more music from the musician or band.

So, if you’re a musician or part of a band, this $1.99 iPhone app can be a catalyst to help you advertise your talent. It should definitely be added as a tool in your marketing arsenal to augment your social media pages and other marketing activities.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Viral Marketing at Death Star Germany - Writers - Authors - Promote Book Sales

The New Writers Handbook 2007 by Philip Martin is the book in discussion this week.

Let’s talk about Viral Marketing ideas for Authors.

First I’ve been reading the book and taking notes.

I try out what I read, and see what the results are.

Youtube – I made 14 videos and went from 13 views to 1093 in two days.

Videos – Topics that I write about on my blogs, Featured Authors JK Rowling and Fiona Robyn.

Favorite Tags according to Site Meter’s Who’s On is: Harry Potter, Emma Watson, Adam Lambert, Twilight, New Moon, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner.

Goal: Make videos about the people whose names are tagged the most by Google, Site Meter and Yahoo Groups.

Result: Astounding Traffic totals to my blogs and youtube channel!

Amount of Time Invested : 48 hours straight work, with little sleep.

Satisfaction: People are getting to know about Idea Girl Consulting, Linda Randall and The Idea Girl on Twitter.

Twitter Results: 1900 followers expanded to 2230 in three days time, satisfaction my Twitter followers started to increase ( I had over 3,000 a few months ago).

This is just a brief idea of what you can do with Viral Marketing using YOUTUBE.

Now If I had a published book, I would have made a video with my book cover, genre, and some of the characters.

A presentation that goes for about 2 minutes at a time.

If you decide to speak to your readers, then have a form of classical or soft music in the background to help keep their attention on what you have to say.

If you are artistic, then put in a few drawings of your characters and plot ideas for fun.

If you have a sense of humor, throw in a few jokes or a comedy sketch before your video begins for about 30 seconds, I’d call this an ice breaker.

freshspot provided this youtube video

#1 Make a video with you and your book and send it to your Mother to prove that yes you are a writer! LOL

David Meerman Scott,The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to use news releases, blogs, podcasts, viral marketing and online media to reach your buyers directly

the new rules of marketing and PR David Meerman Scott the idea girl says word press


What's on my Twitter & Facebook?

Hola amigos! I have been reading a lot from the internet. If you’re smart with your search terms, you’ll be able to find relevant informative sources. I always feel there are more I can do while online.

My frequent visits are Facebook and Twitter. Instead of attempting fascinating applications or joining silly groups on Facebook, I share useful links. The recent link I shared is about the benefits of smiling.

Smiling is actually a natural face lift. I was enlightened when I discovered it. If you want to stay young and attractive, be the light. As often said, a smile lightens up the room.

There are more reasons for me to smile. I like Spain and often explore more about it. I check on tour packages and even plan for a vacation. Of course, I need to know more.

I came across Spain Travel Guide. I enjoy reading the information posted by Damian Corrigan. He’s a writer that travels in Spain and shares his experience on the land of flamenco.

Delightfully, he has a Twitter account. You got it right, I am following him, @gospain. I asked him if there were any Muslim tours in Spain but there isn’t.

Nevertheless, I was contented when Damian Corrigan assured me about Muslim sites in Spain. I believe he’s working on an article about this. Indeed, I am looking forward.

Not only I manage to share and/or receive information with Twitter and Facebook, I’m encourage to be involved in networking. Therefore, knowing how to leverage on your Twitter and Facebook account, you can reap benefits from them.

The next time you don’t know what to do with your Facebook and/or Twitter, you can follow what I’m doing.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Remove Connection wondering….. What you are thinking when you do the  “remove connection” things, one of your friend from your friends list on your facebook.

a) you hate him/her

b) your other friend hate him/her

c) you just doing what your other friends told you to do without asking anything (worms backsound: stupid……)

Just wondering…..

PS: No, i wont hate you neither your friends.

Picture taken from


Employee Branded?

Come and get branded!

One of my learning points from #trulondon 1 was the issue of employer branding. I made a statement in my 10 take- away’s  from the unconference, “The employer brand is dead.” What prompted this was the question posed by Keith Robinson: A.K.A: @Siteadvisor as part of the “Recruiter Cast series”, “Is the employer brand relevant?” My response was based on a thought that it  had been replaced by the employee brand.

 I didn’t take part in the debate, which was run by Keith and broadcast on the web.  The conclusion of the panel is that the employee brand is alive and well.

 I hadn’t seen the debate when I made my statement, now I have I’m a little more convinced that the conclusion is right but I still had plenty of questions on the whole area of employer branding, if it’s not dead, it’s certainly different!

With this in mind I wrote a guest blog on Mike VanDerVort’s excellent blog”The HumanRacehorse’s.”  In this blog I again posed the question “The Employer Brand Is Dead?”

 I again outlined my view that employer brand was now employee brand and that the issue  was that the employer brand was set by the employees and what they were saying on Facebook and other social media. Keith added his view that employee brand was much bigger than this and was the D.N.A. of the whole organisation from the board down.

Gareth Jones, A.K.A: @Garelaos went one step further and put together a very reasoned response by way of a blog post. Gareth’s blog, “Inside my head” has some good posts and contains some well thought out arguments. I don’t always agree with his views,but I think he is well worth a read and one to look out for. As ex-HR turned Recruiter (is that gamekeeper turned poacher?) he has some good insights. Keep an eye out for his new posts.

In Gareth’s blog he takes the discussion further,  pointing out that social media will have a huge impact on employer brand but it will not turn the employer brand in to the employee brand. I happen to agree with this statement,but as Keith Robinson says, “Social Media is a mirror to the employer brand but is not it.”

With this in mind, I think looking in the mirror often is a good practice to know what is being said, so that you can look in to why and change it if you need to. This is equally important in order to identify the good things that are being said so that you can keep doing them. You can’t change the environment on the basis of every comment but listening on and off line and balanced review is needed over time to adjust when needed.

Just recently I’ve seen 2 examples of great employer branding run by the employees that demonstrate great examples of positive branding using social media channels :

 A video from the employees of Connected Ventures. On the Vimeo page it was posted on was the statement with the link “We’re also hiring.” I would guess the response was huge from those seeking a funky and hip place to work.

I accept that this needs to reflect the reality of the environment because the brand delivery needs to match the brand reality. That’s where the brand definition from the business leaders come in, along with listening and engagement to ensure that reality matches the promise. On this week’s US radio show, Rayanne Thorn  of Broadbean raised the point that employer brand begins when an employee joins the company not before. This echoes Keith’s point that it is the whole D.N.A. of what the company really is, rather than just what is being said.

The second example of great employer branding is from Deloite’s in New Zealand. Richard Long came on the Down Under Recruiting show on Facebook,  to talk about how they have introduced a Facebook fan page where last year’s graduate intake speak to this year’s students about life and jobs at Deloite’s ,and the HR and Marketing Dept’s have little to do with it. This kind of existing employee engagement with the outside world shows what is possible, but again is dependent on the environment being good in the first place. (Thanks to Paul Jacobs  of Engage, who worked on the project)

In summary, I’m bowing to Keith (and others) wisdom, the employer brand is alive and well but it needs to be aligned with employer reality. You can’t brand your employees or your environment but you can listen to them and react  when you start to see trends that conflict with what you want your environment to be. Perhaps the employee reality is the employer brand, and brand definition, monitoring and delivery are the key. This is still employer branding alive and well.

I’m really looking forward to the Employer Brand V Employee Brand track at #trulondon 2 on Feb 18th/19th 2010. The discussions already started in earnest, the track will be standing room only!

Please leave your thoughts, perhaps a wave beckons. Leave your Gmail address, I’ll send an invite.

Be the ambassador of your personal brand!



Monday, December 14, 2009

Kid Cudi eliminates stress of social media.

I don’t know what it is but maybe it’s just those sane individuals that realize you don’t have to let everyone know what your doing in order to be doing something. Apparently Kid Cudi agrees, the newcomer to the celebrity world has terminated his Twitter, and Facebook accounts. His decision to drop the accounts  were because of all the forged pages that claimed to be Cudi but actually aren’t. 

On his blog “”, he explains the overwhelming feeling social media gives him.  

“I have an iPhone and I don’t even utilize all of the applications on it,” the rapper explained.. “Just alone on an iPhone, you can have multiple emails — I have two emails, text messaging — some people have AIM on there, MySpace, Facebook — and I don’t even have those things … With Twitter and my two emails, text messaging and my phone ringing, that’s just overwhelming. And you gotta think of it like this, what did they do before there were cell phones”


Seriously, feet and facebook...........

I try not to take myself too seriously. I see this blog as more therapeutic than a quick road to riches. And until a book publisher contacts me (anyone, anyone,  Bueller, Bueller), that is what I will continue to do. But, sometimes I do find myself wondering why I am doing this and who is really reading it anyway.

Luckily, I can answer some of those probing questions myself. I get wonderful emails about my blog and lots of positive feedback from friends. And as the owner of this blog, I can see the key words that people use to find my blog on the great blogosphere. Some of those key word searches make me laugh and many of them make me wonder just what in the heck people are really looking for. Some bloggers will use these key words to their huge advantage. Throw in a couple of “trashy” words and your blog stats head up, up, up. That ticker ticks away higher and higher reader counts.

I try to be careful not to do that. So, my stats roll slowly along – but I am pretty confident that people find what they are looking for here.

Today, though, I am back to wondering. As I travel the world and capture our experiences and impressions, my two most popular posts are about feet and facebook. Not poverty, not the Taj Mahal, not parenting (although it might be good that people are not seeking parenting advice here), not even living abroad, but feet and facebook. Wow. I may need to start trash talking. Seriously………..


Friday, December 11, 2009

The Entertation Index: December 11

Armageddon, Signs of -- We’re looping these two together because somehow it just seems right. 65 year-old Gary Busey is going to be a father again, and the fourth season of Mr. Belvedere is about to be released on DVD. The correlation? Both are things which are great news to completely insane people.

Links: Mr. Belvedere (TV shows on DVD), Busey (People)

Dolby, Thomas – Did the “She Blinded Me With Science” singer accidentally reveal that a new Star Wars movie is in the works? Writing on his personal website, Dolby blogged that he’d been visiting a friend who works for LucasArts, and who is allegedly currently working on a “Star Wars-related TV show, movie and online game.” Of course, the collective heads of the Star Wars Community exploded upon hearing the word “movie,” proving that it’s true that Lucas can bring anything we can imagine to life, including a renewed interest in Thomas Dolby.

Link: Cruel Thomas Dolby Starts A New Hope With Star Wars Movie Rumors (IO9)

Duff, Hilary — The pop songstress and former Lizzie McGuire star allegedly told Nylon magazine that she had a tattoo of the word “SHINE” inked onto her hand to help her to always remember to “shine.” This is, at the very least, more poetic than Lindsay Lohan’s hand tattoos, which read “LEFT” and “RIGHT” to help her always remember which hand is her left and which is her right at the end of the evening.

Link: Duff’s New Tattoo Reminds Her to Shine (Contactmusic)

Heuer, Tag – Watchmakers Tag Heuer have pulled advertisements featuring golfer Tiger Woods in the wake of the golfer’s indiscretions. They, apparently, were also tired of Entertainment Tonight, Extra and Access Hollywood calling them nonstop to find out who “Heuer” is and how she knew Tiger Woods.

Link: That’s Time: Tiger’s Sexcapades Not So Advertiser-Friendly (E! Online)

Lipton, James — In bizarre new television ads from LG, the Inside the Actor’s Studio host does not want you to sext. I don’t know about you guys, but that’s good enough for me to stop sexting James Lipton.

Link: Funny Cell Phone Ads Tell Teens to Stop “Sexting” (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Snafus, Facebook – The Huffington Post has collated a list of great Facebook errors in judgement. Let this be a lesson to you, folks. Watch those status updates. And definitely check this stuff out; it’s very funny.

Link: The Funniest Facebook Snafus of all Time (Huffington Post)


Rage Against the Machine for Christmas No. 1

Tracy and Jon from London started a facebook group for a bit of a laugh a few days ago.

The intention of the group was to urge people to buy ‘Killing in the Name’ during the week prior to Christmas transforminig it into the Christmas Single No. 1


Little would they know that their group already has nearly 600.000 people (one of them me) and that recognisable voices and faces from UK broadcasting services are promoting it.

Radio DJs are talking about it, Stephen Fry is talking about it, Jonathan Ross, Bill Bailey…

This is meant to only be good fun, but to be honest, if we manage to make Killing in the Name the Christmas No. 1 destroying the planned-for-months PR and Marketing campaign the X-Factor dudes have been preparing it will set a really good reminder that if the music is what it is, it’s because of the people.

And now, ironically I will finish with the last sentence from Killing in the Name:

Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me.



Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Social Media Marketing with Facebook and Twitter (Video) :: In Social Media Marketing with Facebook and Twitter, Anne-Marie ConcepciĆ³n shows dozens of ways to promote a company’s brand, increase sales, drive traffic to a site, and engage with customers using two of the hottest social networking venues today, Facebook and Twitter. Anne-Marie teaches not only the fundamentals of social media marketing, but also how to create a professional, top-level presence that can put a company in the viral marketing sweet spot. From creating Facebook fan pages to crafting the most perfect Twitter bio for SEO, Anne-Marie dives into the details of both services, and discusses the best third-party add-ons that maximize the social marketing impact. [view video]


YOZA out of town until next year, 2010

If you’re wondering why Yoza isn’t playing anywhere, it’s because she’s visiting family and friends in Honduras.  She drops by FaceBook now and again with updates and pictures, but besides that, she enjoying the quality time AND inspiration for her upcoming debut album.  She will be hitting the studio when she gets back AND as events are set in stone, you will see them posted here and on her other social media sites…

Enjoy the holidays with family and please continue to drop by!



Monday, December 7, 2009

Brief: how does social media differ from traditional marketing?

There are more similarities than there are differences.

Marketing is marketing, and whether you do it in the traditional manner or you use social media, the objectives are the same.  You are trying to increase your audience’s awareness of your product and you are trying to increase your business.

Social media has advantages.  It emphasizes social interaction.  Not only are you doing the marketing thing, but you are personalizing your message to the individual by the possible interactions with them.  You are establishing a relationship with members of your audience before doing business with with. This brings a humanizing element into marketing.

Social media tools that are currently being actively used with good results include (in no particular order) Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Yelp, and blogs.  If you are currently not using these, then you need to do so.


Using Social Media for Referrals - Just Ask!

My theme for using social media for referrals: If you ask, you shall receive! 

I am continually amazed at the ease of passing referrals using social media.  Recently a co-worker of mine was looking for a realtor in the Washington Township area in Indianapolis.  She is looking into purchasing a new home and needed a starting point.  I offered to post this request on Facebook to see if my network of friends could help.  It took just seconds to post my request online for all of my friends to see in my status update.  Within 30-40 minutes I had a list over 10 realtors to give to my friend!  But these weren’t just any realtors.  These were all realtors that came highly recommended.  And they were not just highly recommended by anyone, they were highly recommended by my friends and people I know.  I was able to confidently pass along these names knowing that my friend will have a solid list of realtors from which to pick.

These requests are taking place every single day on social media networks.  Keep your eyes open and take advantage of the opportunities!


Friday, December 4, 2009

Facebook; attempting to run your life since round about last year

Facebook is apparently planning ANOTHER UPDATE (cuz you know, the last ones have been so well received, only pissing off about 90% of users). One of the most annoying new things is the suggestions it makes. In the old days it just used to be “hey, you may know this person” based on, sometimes absolutely nothing. Ok, occasionally you would have friends in common with them, but occasionally you just get “hey, you live in England, maybe you might know this person, they live in Zanzibar, a country which also has the letter A in it”. Also, it really wouldn’t get a hint “look, I’ve rejected this suggestion about 15 times THIS WEEK, what else do I have to do to get it through to you that I really do not wish to speak to this person, just because we have a few mutual friends doesn’t mean I don’t wish to slit this persons throat and fuck the gash in their neck” and then you feel ashamed for thinking of such violently sexual images. Well done Facebook; you made me feel like an arsehole, I hope you’re happy now.

Anyway, I kind of forget where I was going with this. Oh yeah, the suggestions. Now, the suggestions are just kind of retarded “hey, you never speak to this person on Facebook, do it”. No, I speak to this person almost every day at work, fuck off. Or “he only has x friends, help him” or in English “this person is a loner and/or non existent. Make their life better, because without Facebook, people are worthless”. Surely they realise that sometimes I don’t want to speak to somebody, I just can’t be bothered to go through the hassle of deleting them. Quite possibly the most annoying thing about Facebook is when you get in touch with someone you haven’t seen in years, you get all happy and look forward to talking to them again, and then you find out that they are now a racist wanker. That sucks. Especially since I don’t like deleting people, so now I facebook friends with douchebags.

If Facebook really wants to evolve and change, it just needs to do the following things;

  • Allow us to appear offline and still see who is online. The only reason we would appear offline is because we wish to avoid speaking to people. This is usually for two reasons; 1) we are busy. 2) We are avoiding somebody. Now, if you’re doing the 2nd one, you have no way of telling when the person you’re avoiding has gone offline. Have to depend on dumb luck.
  • Add a dislike button. Simple.
  • Allow us a tiny bit of customisation. I’m not asking for it to be MySpace; which occasionally just looked like the internet vomiting up glow sticks.
  • Sort out Facebook chat. That thing is very temperamental. It’s nearly impossible to hold a conversation on it, due to it cutting off users randomly.
  • More tabs at the bottom.
  • Let us know when people have deleted us. Otherwise it’s just guesswork as to which our friends actually hate us now.

All that’s certain is that if it doesn’t change something soon, facebook will end up as dead and desolate as bebo.

also; check out for more facebook silliness


Five sentenced to death over deadly China riots-BBC.

Labor trouble portrayed as Ethnic conflict.Human Right Watchers and US! Where are You?


A court in China’s Xinjiang region has sentenced five people to death for murder and other crimes over deadly ethnic riots in July, state media said.

Two other people were sentenced to life imprisonment, Xinhua news agency said.

Nine people were executed last month over the riots in which nearly 200 people were killed.

Chinese officials have said most of the victims were members of China’s majority Han ethnic group who were attacked by ethnic Uighurs.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sneaky Pete

I was just discussing Facebook’s latest security features with a friend. One thing you now have the option of doing is posting a status that can be viewable to either all friends or just some friends.

It reminded me of how, when Peter sent a friend request to my friend Annie, upon accepting, she noticed she was blocked from viewing most of his profile. When I him if he was keeping certain things hidden from certain people (possibly photo’s of us, relationship status, etc.), he said no; it must have been a glitch. Immediately following our conversation, however, the glitch corrected itself :P

I began thinking about how low my opinion is of this man. And how I can easily see him taking full advantage of these new and improved ’security’ features. I have a new nickname for him; Sneaky Pete. I can imagine him posting one of his ‘…loves Cari’ statuses, only with the new features, I would be the only one able to see it. I would be the only one able to comment on it. His college buddies wouldn’t be able to view it. Or his family. Or his daughter. His little cyber gestures wouldn’t be real gestures at all. Just more scraps.

Then, I started thinking about his many cyber ‘buddies.’ The Jude’s, Angela’s and Elizabeth’s and thought, he could now post one for each of us, and none of us would be the wiser.

Ugh. I feel sick to my stomach.


Follow Lazyrussian on Twitter

I’ve had a year-long love/hate relationship with Twitter. I’ve finally decided to incorporate twitter into my daily “share” routine. I tend to share a lot of thinks via Email using (Email This!) to my friends and Family, and I do the same to my extended connections via Facebook. Now, with the advent of software like Socialite and Gruml I can do it all at once. I’ve decided to include twitter, because I have this crazy impusle so spread the wealth of random internet garbage to others =p

Anyway, follow me if you’re interested in web apps, browser extensions, software discount codes, international economics and funny pics/videos.

Follow me here (Lazyrussian on Twitter)
