Friday, October 30, 2009

Country Story

There are lots of farming applications out there and the one that I play is made by Playfish called Country Story. From my memory, Happy Farm was the first one that came out, then came Farmville (and Farm Town), and then Country Story. There are plenty of other games out there, but we’ll just name these three – I think most people play Farmville.

I’ve played all of the ones I’ve mentioned above, but the interface that satisfied me the most was Country Story. Happy Farm has since upgraded its graphics, but I think Country Story is cute since you can decorate your farm and also rear up animals and actually see yourself plotting the farm or pulling out adorable looking radishes. I liked Farm Town because you can’t steal anything from anyone, meaning that there’d be less conflict between users. But I guess people just like the idea of stealing stuff.

Anyway, recently (as in the past month or so), Country Story/ Playfish have implemented a new feature that is at the start of every game (should be +11 GMT) – there are 2 parcel bundles and you randomly click on one, and there’s food inside. The interesting thing about Country Story is that your character needs food to have enough energy to sow seeds and steal stuff, so food is crucial in this game. However, food is quite expensive – different types of food give you different amounts of energy replenishment.

The lowest is a corn cob, which gives you 10 energy points (you can plot 2 plots of land with that – so it’s not a lot at all, or sow 5 seeds). Needless to say, a corn cob is the cheapest food available – but even “cheap” is quite expensive. I think it’s roughly the cost of selling 80 radishes or something.

Now pardon me, what was the point of even making me guess?

I’ve been getting corn cobs or sausages (second lowest food) for the past TWO TO THREE WEEKS – if it’s not a corn or a sausage, then it’s a lemonade (third lowest food). The best I’ve ever gotten was something that gave me 100 energy like bread or something - I have NEVER EVER gotten a salad bowl or anything. NEVER. Where are the fish platters to replenish 300 energy?

If you’re reading this Playfish, and the food selection is “randomised” then I highly suggest you change the coding and up the possibility of getting a fish platter or something, because almost a month of getting corn cobs or sausages or lemonades is RIDICULOUS. You might say that it’s all randomised, but from my experience, it begs to differ.

Until then, I’ll be continuing to collect my eggs and bottles of milk and hope that I have oodles of money to buy decorations and stuff.

Shall I or shan't I

So, I’m aimlessly browsing through friends of friends on Facebook, looking for anyone I might know or have an interest in connecting with. Two very small and unexpected degrees of separation later and I”m faced with a slew of people I’ve only met in this persona.

Should I friend or shouldn’t I? Should I blur the lines between my worlds? Next thing you know, I’ll be following them on Twi…oh, wait…

Oh. My. God. Should Facebook really be this nerve wracking? Will they accept my request or won’t they? (Hey, one of my nieces didn’t so who could blame you.) Can I avoid taking the rejection personally? (Clearly you haven’t been reading this blog if you think the answer is “Yes.”) Will they think I’m a complete nutjob? (Well, hey, if the blog fits…). Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!

Decisions, decisions.

In the end, I pretended I was bold.

So, if you got a friend request from me and want to say “Hell, no!” to it, don’t worry — I’ll stop crying eventually.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Awas, Facebook Palsu Hadir di Indonesia

Facebook merupakan situs jejaring sosial terlaris di Indonesia. Bahkan menurut data Alexa, Facebook merupakan situs yang paling banyak dikunjungi oleh pengguna internet di tanah air, di atas Google, Yahoo, Blogger, ataupun YouTube.

Tingginya popularitas Facebook ternyata telah dimanfaatkan oleh penjahat dunia maya, atau istilah kerennya cyber criminal. Mereka telah membangun situs Facebook versi Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk penipuan (phising). Pengguna yang terjebak akan secara sengaja menyerahkan informasi username dan password akun Facebook mereka ke kriminal tersebut.

“Jika dilihat sekilas, tampilan situs Facebook gadungan ini memang mirip aslinya, termasuk ketersediaan sarana registrasi bagi pengguna baru. Begitu pun dengan icon, gambar, judul halaman dan elemen lain yang lazim dijumpai pada laman utama Facebook ketika baru dibuka,” kata Brama Setyadi, seorang praktisi teknologi.

“Satu-satunya yang membuat laman ini berbeda adalah alamatnya, yakni,” ucap Brama yang awalnya mendapatkan pesan phising tersebut di inboks akun Facebook-nya.

Pada laman Facebook asli, Brama menyebutkan, data login yang dimasukkan pengguna akan dikirim menggunakan metode POST ke file login.php di alamat ‘’.

“Sekadar info, HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) adalah protokol yang digunakan untuk mengamankan jalur pengiriman data dengan memanfaatkan enkripsi,” kata Brama. “Sementara Facebook palsu mengirimkan data login ke file src-login.php di alamat,” ucapnya.

“Dari sini sebenarnya dapat diketahui bahwa sebenarnya si pembuat laman sama sekali tidak mengirimkan data untuk keperluan otentikasi, melainkan hanya merekam data login ke dalam database miliknya,” ucap Brama.

Menurut laporan beberapa korban, informasi tentang Facebook palsu ini didapat lewat fasilitas message Facebook, meskipun si phiser tidak masuk ke dalam daftar teman. Isi beritanya kurang lebih mengharuskan si calon korban untuk melakukan login ke facebook dengan segera karena sistem administrasi Facebook sedang dalam tahap seleksi pengguna aktif. Sembari melampirkan alamat palsu di atas, phiser juga menyuruh meneruskan pesan yang dibuatnya kepada 15 pengguna Facebook lain.

Lalu apa yang terjadi jika pengguna memasukkan informasi kredensial ke laman ini? Setelah merekam data login si pembuat akan langsung mengalihkan laman ke alamat login Facebook yang asli. Seakan-akan pengguna telah salah atau belum memasukkan informasi login.

“Anda yang telah terlanjur memasukkan informasi login di situs tersebut, ada baiknya segera mengubah password Facebook yang Anda punya,” ucap Brama.


I feel the earth move under my feet

There’s so much talk about platforms – Facebook-this, Twitter-that, more specific but no better than loose conversations about blogging or podcasts. I overheard someone say “It’s OK, there’s a slide on Twitter in the client deck”, which stopped me in my tracks. These tools are not the kinds of things that make sense when being described; who in their right mind would want to tolerate 140-character updates among a sea of people you barely knew? It in no way describes the vibrancy of using Twitter, nor the opportunities inherent in it.

Your friend and mine Tim Beveridge has a great saying: in order to understand change, you have to be part of it (it probably isn’t his saying, but I’m not sure where he got it from, so it’s his now).

The point is the best way to explain Twitter to somebody is to take 30 seconds to sign them up, another two minutes to follow some people they might be interested in, and then sit back and let them have at it. On the (often false) assumption you have a strategic reason for using Twitter, if your client doesn’t already use it then paying it lip service is not going to get you anywhere. Only by engaging  do people actually understand, or as I just commented over at AVC, being heard is not enough, you must also be understood.

Starting a strategy conversation by talking about a platform is a recipe for disaster. It is like deciding what kind of house you are going to be build based whatever hammer you have handy. It needs to begin with intent. Every. Single. Time.

For those who’ve just joined us here by way of Digital Strangelove, thanks so much for stopping by. We’re going to keep talking about intent for a bit, at least until the rest of the world starts to understand the power of it.

Image courtesy of onkel_wart, with thanks to compfight.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Show them your support!

I know it’s way too early to know what these 10 teams of N.E.mation! 4 finalists will produce for the competition. But if you already know them personally, are their friends, family, classmates or schoolmates, show them your support!

What better way to show your TLC to the teams by becoming their fans in facebook?

Clicking on the team photos below will lead you to their facebook fan page! Go be their fans and support your favorite teams now!

I’m a fan of all 10 teams cause I heart them all!!!

Why Facebook's recent changes are a good thing (and why people should stop bitching)

On October 23rd, 2009, Facebook pushed forward two minor changes in terms of the layout and design of the site. One of these changes included new suggestions in the Suggestions box on the right hand side the News Feed. The other change was a link at the top of the News Feed (A.K.A. Home Page) titled “Live Feed”.

I’ve been using Facebook since I was in high school (about 3 years at the time of this post). I recall three changes to the site, not including this recent one. The first change was absolutely horrible and I hated it. The second change brought in a plethora of new features and really wasn’t that bad. I couldn’t understand why people complained. The third took away all of the features I liked, tried to mimic Twitter at the same time, and was horribly broken for weeks. For each change, I left feedback for Facebook. Some good, some bad.

Now, if memory serves me correctly, Facebook introduced a Live Feed tab during the second change to the Facebook layout/design. It was taken out when the third change was pushed out, which upset me greatly. It was one of the coolest features Facebook had to offer and thousands of people were bitching when it was removed.

So, let’s fast forward to today. Facebook has brought back the Live Feed “in response to feedback”. Wonderful. This is a great thing. The layout hasn’t changed at all and we have the Live Feed back and some additional changes to Suggestions. Unfortunately, there’s a small problem.


It’s all over the place. In status messages and groups. Groups like “Facebook: SWITCH BACK TO THE OLD NEWS FEED!!!”. Newsflash. You can. All you have to do is click the link at the top of your News Feed that says “News Feed”. It switches you out of your Live Feed and back into your News Feed.

Seriously people, how stupid can you get? The News Feed hasn’t changed. It’s still the same. Please stop bitching. Otherwise, quit and go to Myspace.

Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm The Des Moines Graphic Novel Examiner

Hey dudes. I’ve started a new writing venture at a website some of you may or may not have heard of called I have been selected as Des Moines’ “Graphic Novel” Examiner, which means I’m supposed to write about the comic books. I posted my first entry tonight,  a modest look at some of this week’s comic releases, but more articles will come, so please bookmark my page over there and check back regularly! Here’s my first post:

Sorry the formatting’s a bit rough, still getting used to it. And yes, that picture is my Myspace/Facebook picture that is years old, because I was too lazy to make a new one. Maybe someday! Thanks for the support!


Americans see economy as struggling but stable, poll finds-CNN

Like Doctor declaring ‘Patient’s condition is critical,but stable.
WASHINGTON (CNN) — The number of Americans who think the country’s economy is currently in very poor shape is on the rise, according to a new national poll. But the CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Thursday also indicates that a growing number of Americans think the worst of the recession is over.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So this is Facebooking

It’s true that I am one of the people you can find on FB chatting away with people that know people that I know so now we are “friends.”
The humorous part is that I never was a socialite in school or the twenty years between school and the first time I wrote on somebody’s “wall.” I didn’t have gaggles of friends or hang out at clubs to meet new people. I never even bought a yearbook because I couldn’t imagine anyone that I would want to sign it.
There was a brief few years between my first and current marriage that I had a tight-knit group of friends that spent every waking moment throwing giant parties. I met way more people than I thought I would ever need to meet. So that was fun. Not the meeting the people part as much as the free booze they brought to my house part. ( I got wiped out in the divorce and lived in a rental, so I let them trash it in exchange for whiskey.)
Now I am back to my handful of friends that we have dinner and drinks with and the other group (mostly consisting of family) that we spend weekends at the river with. Other than my wife and son I don’t see anyone one more than semi-monthly.
To clarify I am not a loser or repulsive or something. I am an introvert. Not only do I not need much attention, I spend most of my time in my head, so people don’t really seek me out for company in general. I have a few really good friends that enjoy my company and understand me and that is enough. My wife and child are also introverts so I don’t have to worry about them bringing anyone new into my life unexpectedly.
But now I spend more time on FB than I ever spent on the phone. I still have less than a hundred “friends” there, but that is an accumulation of a lifetime of people that I like enough to talk to about “what I’m doing right now.”
The only thing that really bothers me is that not everyone that I want to talk to is on FB. They need to get with the program. If they would register and read all my post they could stop texting me and asking “what are you doing right now?”

The Average Web American

What does 87, 2645, 68, and 57 have in common? Come on it’s not that hard.  Take a guess.  While trying to find some interesting information about twitter and facebook to blog about I found that the Nielsen Company recently reported data for the Top Parent Companies/Divisions and Top Web Brands, as well as average Internet usage for September 2009.

So you want to know what those numbers have in common?

  • 87- the average number of web domains a person visited during September
  • 2645 – the average number of web pages a person visited during September
  • 68- the average number of hours people spent behind a computer during September (68 hours and 58 seconds to be exact)
  • 57- the average number of SECONDS people spend on any given page during September

Yea! its scary.  57 seconds, as one of my professors would say, we have the attention spans “of a flea!”

But what does this have to do with Facebook? It was the number 4 web brand in the U.S.  Facebook had 105,449,000 Unique visitors for the month.  That is roughly 1/3 of every American, plus every resident of Connecticut and North Dakota, I know random, according to the US Census

Now even scarier, Facebook was the number one brand in terms of time spent.  Americans spent an average of 5 hours, 24 minutes, and 38 seconds in September.

Now if only I could stop spending that time on Facebook and apply it to my blog, I could have a solid post every week.

Monday, October 19, 2009

New Updates to Xbox Live

The next Xbox Live update will deliver Facebook, Twitter and, but, wait, there’s more! According to an email from Microsoft, anyway. Get ready for news headlines and dedicated music stores in the Xbox Live dashboard.

Since Microsoft expressly said we’re not forbidden from discussing this, why not? U.S. Xbox Live users in the closed preview will see a “News and More” tab in the “Inside Xbox” channel, and it will deliver “a regularly-updated stream of content from, MSN Autos, The New Yorker and Dilbert,

For rhythm and music gamers, the update will also set up dedicated music stores for Lips, Guitar Hero and Rock Band.

But wait, there’s more! “Surprise! – Keep an eye out in the weeks after the preview launches…you never know what might pop up,” says the email.

Birds of a Feather

My last post was about finding a writing BFF to support, console, and motivate you to writer more and better. I briefly mentioned writing communities which deserves its own post. And now is the perfect time. Any time is the perfect time, actually.

If you like solitude, as do many creative types, then the notion of joining a community may turn you off or cause you consternation or heartburn – mild or otherwise. I don’t blame you one bit. I think of myself as an independent, solitary person. I don’t generally like crowds, small groups, meetings, or networking. It’s just not my thing. I like email over phone calls. I like writing over talking. I like thinking over socializing.

So it’s strange that I’d even entertain the notion that writing or creative communities, networks, groups, socials … whatever… are good. But they are. And I can always think of 10 thousand excuses for why my schedule won’t accommodate such activities when in truth it does. And my schedule will accommodate a get-together – if it’s important enough to me. And writing is important enough.

Communities and group events, like NanoWrimo, or even online Forums, like, can help ground you. When you float up into that ether space where your ideas live, you can count on a group to help you make sense of those thoughts. They can make you feel not so alone – and not so strange and crazy. Writers have this commonality – a bit of insecurity (maybe a lot of insecurity), a smidgen of doubt, a hypercritical inner editor, a sense of frustration, and a longing to be heard – that a community identifies with. As important – they can inspire you. A community gives you a sense of normalcy and also a sense that what you’re doing has a purpose that you should pursue. It matters what you write and what you do, otherwise those communities wouldn’t exist.

Not all communities are created equal and you should spend some time finding one that’s right for you. It’s not enough to join a community. Like the saying goes, “You have to give in order to receive.” Even if what you give is a look-see and find out that the community isn’t right for you – you have to give at least that much. Try out a few. If you’re a writer, check out NanoWrimo or Script Frenzy. You can also check out online forums, like or LibraryThing – sites which cater to readers but also have forums for writers. You can find like-minded people on Twitter, FriendFeed, and Facebook.  Check local classes and seminars to see if other communities exist. Not all will work but if you’re lucky, you’ll find one that does.

Do you have communities/networks/forums to recommend? What are they? Leave me a note and let me know – or if you want to bounce ideas off of me, I’m always happy to listen and “commune!” Look me up :

Twitter:  TheDebster

FriendFeed: TheDebster (although I don’t spend much time here)

Facebook:  Debbie Talley

Goodreads: TheDebster (I’m new here…)

LibraryThing: DebbieT (I don’t spend much time here either)

NanoWrimo: Debster

Friday, October 16, 2009

Promosi di Facebook

Facebook adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak situs jejaring sosial yang cukup dikenal oleh para penjelajah internet. Beberapa waktu terakhir bahkan Facebook banyak dimanfaatkan oleh para caleg dalam mempromosikan dirinya melalui dunia maya, untuk yang satu ini kayanya ketularan sama ‘bang Obama’. Ada banyak manfaat yang bisa diperoleh dari situs jejaring yang satu ini. Melalui Facebook kita bisa menemukan teman-teman yang sudah lama tidak ketemu, dengan Facebook kita bisa membangun jaringan yang luas. Tapi tentu saja dengan Facebook, banyak juga waktu kita terbuang percuma jika hanya sekedar menggunakan untuk chatting saja, apalagi dengan kembalinya pamor BlackBerry yang mensuport Facebook sebagai salah satu aplikasi andalan dalam perangkatnya tersebut.
Facebook sendiri memiliki kelebihan lain yaitu kita bisa meng-customize (waduh gak tau istilah Indonesia-nya nih, he he he) tampilan dan konten dari halaman Facebook itu sendiri.
Di sini saya tidak akan membahas semua hal kebaikan atau keburukan dari Facebook, tapi hanya akan membahas salah satu aplikasi dalam Facebook yang bisa dijadikan sarana promosi. Aplikasi ini namanya My Stuff, prinsip dasar dari aplikasi ini adalah kita bisa menempatkan tag html di dalam Facebook baik itu dalam tab Boxes atau di halaman depan sidebar pada Wall. Dengan adanya tag html ini sebenernya ada banyak yang bisa kita lakukan, tapi untuk posting ini kembali saya akan batasi lebih pada pemanfaatan Facebook sebagai sarana promosi atau iklan. Sarana promosi di sini yang saya maksudkan adalah pemasangan banner baik dilengkapi dengan link yang langsung diarahkan ke obyek yang ingin dipromosikan (halaman blog, website, atau portal tertentu) atau hanya sekedar banner saja.

Sebelum saya lanjutkan ada hal-hal lain yang harus disiapkan, yaitu image yang akan dijadikan banner yang telah diupload di server kita atau di image server lainnya seperti Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa, atau lainnya. Ukuran image bebas, tapi jika kita berencana memasang di sidebar Wall, ukuran image yang ideal adalah 190 x 244 pixel. Yang harus disiapkan lainnya adalah link target atau link tujuan yang ingin dituju.
Jika sudah, sekarang kita mulai, setelah kita login ke akun Facebook, gunakan fasilitas search untuk mencari aplikasi My Stuff, isi kata kunci dengan My Stuff. Setelah ditemukan, install aplikasi tersebut di akun Facebook kita.

Setelah terinstall, kita masuk ke aplikasi My Stuff, untuk memasukkan kode tag html.

Masukan tag html pada box Add code, sebagai contoh bisa lihat tag berikut ini
… adalah tag html untuk mengarahkan ke link tujuan dengan membuka window baru. (dalam contoh ini, link diarahkan ke
adalah tag html untuk mengambil image yang ada pada server yang bersangkutan. (dalam contoh ini image diambil dari
Jika sudah silakan klik Add to profile

Sampai di sini kita telah selesai memasukkan image ke dalam aplikasi My Stuff yang ada di tab Boxes. Selanjutnya kita pindahkan banner ini ke sidebar Wall dengan memilih Edit box (gambar pensil) dan pilih Move to Wall tab.

Jika berhasil, maka banner telah berpindah posisi di Wall pada halaman Facebook kita.

Selesai, mudah kan caranya.
Sekali lagi, untuk artikel di sini konsepnya adalah memasang image banner di Facebook, sedangkan untuk penggunaannya sebenernya bisa bermacam-macam. Salah satunya adalah kita bisa mendapatkan uang, yang tentu saja kita harus mencari klien yang mau memasang iklan di akun Facebook kita (lebih cocok untuk akun Facebook tentang komunitas tertentu yang mempunyai banyak anggota aktif di dalamnya).
Temen-temen melihat ada manfaat lainnya, silakan dicoba.


Lightclub Arşivi

  • Ekim 2009 (18)
    • 14: Rockstar Games’in Klasik Oyunlarını Ücretsiz İndirin (0)
    • 14: Football Manager 2010 İçin Geri Sayım Başladı! (0)
    • 14: Aşk-ı Memnu Dizisine 10 Süper Alternatif (4)
    • 14: Facebook’ta Profilinize Kim Bakmış Öğrenin! (0)
    • 14: Farmville Oyun Rehberi 6 (0)
    • 14: Google Wave Davetiyeleri (0)
    • 13: Haber Oku Ev Kazan Kampanyası (0)
    • 13: Ücretsiz ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall 2010 (0)
    • 13: Farmville Oyun Rehberi 5 (0)
    • 12: HP Invent’in Muhteşem Reklamı (0)
    • 12: Online Fotoğraf Editörü (0)
    • 12: Tümevarım Denilen Şey Bu Olsa Gerek! (0)
    • 12: Türklerin İlginç Google Arama Trendleri (0)
    • 10: Siz Hiç Sonsuz Bir Resim Gördünüz mü? (0)
    • 10: Firefox ile Daha Kullanışlı Bir Gmail Yaratın (0)
    • 09: Flick-A-Word ile Şansınızı Deneyin (0)
    • 05: Türkiye’de Internet’in Mihenk Taşları (4)
    • 01: Laptop Satın Alma Rehberi (0)
  • Eylül 2009 (13)
    • 29: Farmville Oyun Rehberi 4 (2)
    • 28: Konami Code – Konami’nin Gizli Kodu (0)
    • 27: Ubuntu Netbook Remix (0)
    • 23: Farmville Oyun Rehberi 3 (10)
    • 23: Airline Manager Oyun Rehberi 3 (0)
    • 19: Müzik Arşivinizi Hizaya Getirin (0)
    • 19: Airline Manager Oyun Rehberi 2 (1)
    • 15: Google Arama Motoru İpuçları (0)
    • 14: Winamp’e Güçlü Rakip: Foobar2000 (1)
    • 10: Farmville Oyun Rehberi 2 (6)
    • 09: Airline Manager Oyun Rehberi (0)
    • 06: Youtube Yasağını Aşmanın Yolları (0)
    • 05: 3 Adımda Mac OS Görünümlü XP (0)
  • Ağustos 2009 (5)
    • 29: Yaşayan Ölüler Hakkında Her Şey – I (0)
    • 28: Hedef Iphone 3gs (0)
    • 28: FLAC ile Kayıpsız Müzik (0)
    • 25: FarmVille Oyun Rehberi (15)
    • 25: Batch Dosyaları ile DNS Değiştirmek (0)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Class Divison in online social networks?

I was reading CNN today and came across and interesting story, in regards to social status on Facebook and MySpace.

Here are some excerpts from the article:

“More specifically, almost 23 percent of Facebook users earn more than $100,000 a year, compared to slightly more than 16 percent of MySpace users. On the other end of the spectrum, 37 percent of MySpace members earn less than $50,000 annually, compared with about 28 percent of Facebook users.”

Ok really, why does there have to be a classification on everything? America wonders why we can’t move forward. Maybe because we are too busy looking for ways to separate instead of bond. Of course the point of the article, may not be exactly where I am taking it, but its in there hidden and it has got to stop.

My question is why can’t people just be online without the drama of a class division?

“Even more affluent are users of Twitter, the microblogging site, and LinkedIn, a networking site geared to white-collar professionals. Almost 38 percent of LinkedIn users earn more than $100,000 a year.”

People lie on their income in their profiles, that is a fact.

 ”a young woman, living in a small historical town in Massachusetts said to me, ‘I don’t mean to be a racist or anything, but MySpace is like, ghetto.’”

“It’s not a matter of choice between Facebook and MySpace, it was a movement to Facebook from MySpace,” she said, a movement that largely included the educated and the upper-class.

NEWSFLASH:  If you start a sentence with,  “I don’t mean to be racist” uh yes you do or you wouldn’t have to add the disclaimer!!  I mean who even says that??  Help me understand…who is in the ghetto (MySpace) and who is out of the ghetto(Facebook)? In this movement of upper-class educated people to Facebook , who exactly isn’t in this group that necessitated the “I don’t mean to be racist” disclaimer? What am I missing?

I think that MySpace has its place and so does Facebook, and there are a lot of college kids and high school kids that aren’t making a dime on both sites. But of all the things going on in the world ~ who cares either way?!



X Facebook, iPhone Facebook Atau M Facebook ?

MayPesbuk – Tahu kan M Facebook ? Alias Facebook Mobile yang bisa dibuka lewat browser HP anda. Selain itu masih ada Facebook Mobile lain dengan alamat yang berbeda. Coba kunjungi X Facebook atau iPhone Facebook. Situs Mobile ini dikhususkan untuk para pengguna iPhone. Mereka (Facebook) menyebutkan ada beberapa fitur khusus yang bisa digunakan jika membukanya lewat iPhone.

Fitur Multi-Touch pada iPhone sudah barang tentu bisa digunakan juga pada Facebook khusus iPhone ini. Akses cepat juga merupakan barang pasti.

Ini merupakan alternatif lain dari menggunakan Facebook Lite. Coba saja anda buka lewat browser di PC. Cukup cepat juga kan? Tak ada salahnya anda mengakses situs web tersebut selagi masih bisa…

Semoga Bermanfaat!

Monday, October 12, 2009

trying something new

I have been on Facebook for more than four years.  It is officially my longest relationship.  It has been a routine to check it when I wake up and before I go to bed, along with many times in between.  While it’s a great tool for keeping in touch with friends you would otherwise have no idea where they are or what they are doing, it also keeps you in touch with exes that you would otherwise have no idea where they are or what they are doing.

I’d like to think of myself as a girl who is comfortable keeping in touch with an ex, but being honest, it really hurts to see that someone is happy with someone else I’m pretty sure he started seeing before we called it off.

So, rather than just de-friending this person, I am trying a different approach.  I deactivated my Facebook account.  This may seem dramatic, but I realize that I spend too much time on my computer and I’m maintaining superficial relationships based on what my friends choose to tell the world, and not in conversation with me.  I just reread the last sentence and it seems to contradict the whole idea of blogging.  However, what I love most about blogging is that it’s an opportunity to have community with strangers, who we have more in common with than we really know.

It’s only been a few hours that I’ve been Facebook-free, and I’ll admit, during the Twins game tonight, it was hard to not post what I was feeling while I was watching it–I’ve gotten so used to public-emoting, but it’s good to think of who I really should be talking to if I want to share a thought with someone.  I’m not saying that I’m never going back on Facebook–I’m sure that I will, but I’m willing to try even a week without it.  I’ll make it my goal to go a month.

I have a good friend who did the same thing and he is quite happy with his decision.  I don’t think he was on Facebook nearly as much as I was, but it’s still good to have some company in my quitting cold-turkey.  I’ll post my progress on quitting Facebook tomorrow and later this week.

For Boston

We beat BC this weekend. Actually we stomped BC pretty hard. We owed them for the last few years though…and then the Red Sox got knocked out of the postseason and the Patriots lost. I’m not gonna try to take credit for those, but they were amusing too. Spent much of today running errands, stopping by the gym, and going to Shelby’s retirement reception. Been doing work for a few hours but my concentration is atrocious tonight…I think spending so much time Friday doing stuff non-stop just seemed to drain me a bit. Tomorrow’s pretty light schedule-wise. I wanna get into the CSC and get some work done and then there’s Datapalooza. I don’t have much of a CV put together to share but hopefully there won’t be any huge expectations for that part of the meeting.

Almost done getting exam review materials together for Research Methods, so soon I’ll be able to just cram nonstop. I’ve been going through positive psych articles too and although I still have a lot of pages to go through, I’ve at least got a decent grasp on the topics I want to try to address. I’m just trying to get as ahead of things as possible for the next few days. It’s going to be a mess with two exams coming up, and all of the meetings and labwork still going on (including the 3 new studies that are starting to get underway). Should be good stuff.

Also, trying to get back into eating better, alongside the whole exercise (actually half-way stuck with it last week ) thing. I’ve done a pretty good job in getting a good mix of foods that are pretty healthy in, need to work more on fruits and veggies and probably nuts still. Grains, meats, and even dairy stuff are pretty well represented in the fridge though. I still need to cut back on sugars and even though I’ve drastically cut the amount of sugar I use for all my tea, I might consider going a little further still in cutting back…it’s nowhere close to Southern style, but seeing that I go through about a pitcher or so a day, that’s really not a bad thing probably.


Also, Failblog + Facebook = win….well, sorta

Friday, October 9, 2009

Can Mafia Friends Not Be Facebook Friends?

This is a good question. Yes, it is possible that you can be Mafia Wars friends with someone and not Facebook friends. If you want to do this then you need to move your mouse over “Friends” at the top of your Facebook page then a drop down menu will appear. Click on “All Friends”. Now go through your list and click the “X” to the right of the person’s name that you do not want to be friends with. Here’s the catch…

If you do this then you will no longer be able to send gifts to fulfill someone’s wishlist. In addition, you will not be able to help them on a job which means you could miss out on some extra experience points and money. Personally I chose not to do this. I prefer the method I explained here which will block people from seeing your personal information while still enjoying all the features of Mafia Wars.

Beli buku tentang Twitter

hi4, kemarin ke toko buku, tertarik juga nyomot buku ini dari rak. Buku tipis sekilas tentang twitter, murah juga sih harganya warnanya juga nyolok mata juga. saya ikutan twitter seh udah lama, tapi ya gitu dianggurin aja. paling juga inget kalo punya twitter pas ada email bilang ada follower baru. hi3, ketinggalan banget neh mau ngapa2in di twitter..gak ngikutin. soalnya masih setia pisan ama FB. yaaah, gak ada ruginya juga ya beli buku ini sekarang. Soalnya saya bukan tipe belajar yang dijelasin, dan baca sendiri biasanya lebih efektif.

Jadi inget dulu beli beberapa buku tentang facebook ampe 2 biji. bukannya kebantu malahan, orang isi buku itu udah tahu lebih dulu dengan praktekin sendiri sebelum beli buku itu. Jadi kita liat sekarang, mudah2an buku ini gak mubazir ya. secara emang jarang banget nyentuh2 twitter…

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Facebook Lite Bahasa Indonesia

Facebook Lite merupakan versi ringan dari Facebook dimana loadingnya lebih cepat daripada versi aslinya. Lite ini sangat cocok untuk pengguna Facebook dengan koneksi internet yang terbatas. Tapi tentu saja fitur didalamnya banyak yang dipangkas. Yang paling utama adalah untuk update status.

Lite sebelumnya hanya bisa untuk Facebook  berbahasa Inggris. Namun sekarang dapat digunakan secara internasional termasuk bahasa Indonesia.

Untuk mempergunakan silakan buka Facebook Lite tersedia dalan 70 bahasa termasuk bahasa tidak resmi seperti Pirate-speak dan Upside Down English.

Semoga Bermanfaat

Cara blokir Facebook

facebook atau yang sering dikenal dengan FB merupakan jejaring persahabatan yang amat terkenal belakangan ini khususnya para anak muda. banyak para Facebook mania yang sering menambahkan teman hinga 1000 friend atau mungkin lebih, tentunya mungkin ada diantara teman tersebut yang membuat anda resah dengan ulahnya… jejaring no. wahid di Indonesia sekarang ini lebih AKTIF dibanding rival sejenisnya misalkan Friendster,yuwie dan sejenisnya namun sekarang mereka jadi “ikut-ikutan” seperti facebook.

ada cara agar anda tidak terganggu dengan ulah si Facebooker “nakal” tersebut. misalkan mem-Blacklist orang.
nich saya kasih tau caranya

1. Pilih settings > Privacy settings

2. Dibagian bawah terdapat kotak dan silakan masukan nama orang yang akan diblokir (bisa yang udah menjadi teman/bukan teman)

3. Pilih orang yang dimaksud dan klik tombol blokir

blokir facebook

Monday, October 5, 2009

Volta banner do Facebook para migrar contados do Orkut

Lembra que falamos que o orkut cancelou a importação de amigos para o facebook ? Pois bem, parece que o Facebook voltou a colocar o banner que havia tirado do ar, incentivando usuários a migrarem seus contatos do Orkut.

Quando o usuário clica no banner, é redirecionado para a página do Orkut onde deve salvar seus contatos e depois importá-los no Facebook. O serviço de exportar contatos do Orkut esteve instável durante o dia e pode ser a causa da retirada do anúncio. A assessoria do Facebook foi procurada, mas ainda não respondeu.

See you on Facebook!


Leaving a softball game this summer, “see you on Facebook” is what one of my teammates shouted to a few of us as we were heading to our cars after the last game. It’s really no surprise that keeping up with the comings and goings of friends is so easily, and enthusiastically, done on Facebook. On September 15 the Web site reached the 300 million active users headcount and of those active users, 50% of them are logging on daily to:

  • update their status (40 million status updates a day)
  • upload pictures (2 billion photos uploaded each month)
  • create an event (3 million new events are hosted each month)
  • join a group (there are 45 million groups to chose from)
  • become a fan (10 million people become fans every day)
  • or take a quiz or play games (my least favorite tools of Facebook!)

Facebook’s web site defines their site as “a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, family and coworkers”. Facebook is getting the job done. Check out these statistics:

  • 1 to 1 million – The ratio of Facebook engineers to users.
  • 65 million – the number of active users accessing Facebook through their mobile devices.
  • 35+ – The fastest growing demographic.
  • 130 – The average number of friends.
  • 6 billion – The number of minutes spent on Facebook every day.
  • 65 – The number of translations available.
  • 70% – The percentage of Facebook users that reside outside the United States.

Here at Towson, Facebook allows faculty, staff, students, alums, and university friends to connect. The admissions department has a Facebook fan page where they have over 1,100 users sharing information and checking out the demographics of TU. It’s a great way to reach out to potential applicants and current students. Towson Arts & Culture, uses their fan page to promote performances, exhibits, films and lectures each year. Although this page is relatively new, it’s clear that this fan page will be very useful as the number of fans increase. They’ll be able to use the page to not only promote those performances, but spread the word about events to a broader audience by the click of a button. Even President Caret uses Facebook to make himself more accessible to students. For him, using Facebook is a way to “get a dialogue going.” He can address important campus issues, such as parking and off campus residents, and market the university.

If you’re not a Facebook user yet, now’s the time. You can use the site as minimally as you like, or be a true active user and log on everyday with loads of information to share to all of your adoring friends, or even fans. Maybe I’ll even see you on Facebook!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friends For Sale Mania!

Friends For Sale Mania!

Friends For Sale is one the most clicked and used application in

Almost all my friends in facebook use Friends For Sale, I use Friends For Sale, and if you know what’s Friends For Sale or have heard about it, you probably use it too.

First off, What is Friends For Sale?

Its a facebook application that allows you to buy friends and random people at a given value. After owning them (dubbed as PETS), you can get them to do “work” to other people. You start with some cash and from there you go on a Human-shopping spree. Sounds simple yea?…boring?

But that doesn’t explain why so many people use it. People even spend money on it, i mean real money, to get “cash”, so they can buy more “pets”.

As ridiculous as it may sound, theres more to it than just buying people. As you buy more pets and they are bought from you, you get profit, more money, more pets. On the other hand, as people buy you, your value goes up. Right now i cost about $40,000,000! On top of that, im $150,000,000 richer! Sounds cool doesnt it? Well thats the whole point. Its about your status, how many pets you own, and how rich you are to own pets that others treasure.

Yes its a Battle! Facebook being a social network, alot of users have family, friends, and people that they like, dislike, and like very much. If I buy your Girlfriend in FFS, you better have enough money to buy her back. Otherwise, she belongs to me!

Mobile Upload Album pada Facebook : Temporerkah?

Sejak facebook menfiturkan kemudahan untuk meng upload foto foto via email, dimana menjadikan saya rajin mengunggah foto foto yang saya ambil dengan ponsel dan seketika meng upload nya ke facebook. Bahkan saya sudah lupa foto apa pertama kali yang saya upload dengan cara ini dan hingga kini pun ini merupakan fitur andalan yang saya suka sampai sampai karena lebih suka bercerita secara spontan dengan gambar berakibat pada menurunnya kuantitas posting di wordpress ini.

Baru, ketika tadi saya menavigasi ke mobile album di facebook itu untuk mengenang foto foto yang lebih dulu saya upload, saya mendapatkan foto foto itu sudah tidak ada lagi di facebook. Saat ini di mobile upload album hanya terdapat 63 foto. Padahal pasti jumlah foto yang saya upload sudah lebih banyak dari itu.

Kemana ya foto foto itu? Atau memang facebook hanya menfiturkan email foto upload itu sebagai tempat penyimpanan sementara saja. Di album foto facebook hanya ada kejadian foto yang menghilang di album mobile saja. Sedangkan yang saya unggah di album reguler tetap terjaga dengan baik.

Doh … Kirain

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The new way to socialize

Every time I share with someone my passion for building my brand through social media, I’m met with comments such as, “But why do I want a Twitter account?  I don’t want to know what people are doing every minute of the day.”  Or, “I don’t need Facebook.  I don’t need to connect with people I don’t remember from high school.”

Let me explain.  If you have a business and you’re not using these medium to reach your audience then YOU ARE MISSING THE BOAT.  How awesome would it be for Starbuck’s or McDonald’s to create a video, post it on their site and in this video ask the consumers what they want?  Instead of spending millions of dollars on advertising, spend $0 and post a video on Youtube then post tweets about it with a link to the video. Put in on their Faccebook fanpage.  Connect that page to their website or blog.  The possibilities are endless and flat out amazing!  Then when they get feedback from the customers they can create a product they know will sell because the consumers helped to create  it.  The consumers want it!

The truth is whether you’re a company or an individual…  You’re on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Digg, etc…  And you’re saying, “Hey!  Look at me!  I’m over here!”  That’s not a bad thing.  However, if you have a passion for a topic or a business, you BETTER be saying…  “Hey look at me!  I’m over here!”

Pretty soon people will check you out.  They will “re-tweet”, re-post on Facebook or send your link via email to their friends.  THAT is more powerful than any commercial during Super Bowl Sunday.  The power of ONE person looking at your brand…  PRICELESS.  That one person has so much power at the click of that mouse!

And that is how Twitter and Facebook and the rest of the social media platforms out there, work for you.

Το Facebook γίνεται ταινία

Το Facebook γίνεται ταινία | PC Magazine
Ο σκηνοθέτης David Fincher είναι ο άνθρωπος που θα έχει το γενικό πρόσταγμα σε μια νέα ταινία που αναμένεται να προβληθεί στις κινηματογραφικές αίθουσες μέσα στο 2010. Η νέα ταινία θα έχει τίτλο The Social Network και θα έχει ως υπόθεση την ιστορία του Facebook, με κεντρικό θέμα τον ιδρυτή Mark Zuckerberg και τη χρονική περίοδο κατά την οποία δημιουργήθηκε η υπηρεσία κοινωνικής δικτύωσης.[next]